The EESF does not nor will they comment on any accident relating to elevators, escalators or moving walkways.
Our vision
A world free of elevator and escalator accidents.
To promote public safety and prevent accidents by educating the public on the proper use of elevators and escalators.
With this in mind we request that you include the safety information listed below in any online/written article so that your readers will learn how to safely ride elevators escalators and moving walkways.
You have permission to REPRINT INFORMATION BELOW. Please link this information to for additional information. Please feel free to use the foundations logo in your article as well.
Elevator and Escalator Rules
1) Watch your step
2) Leave closing doors alone
3) If doors don’t open ring alarm button and wait
4) If there is a fire in the building use stairs
Escalators & Moving Walks
1) Step on and off carefully
2) People only – no strollers, carts, animals, luggage
3) Hold the handrail
4) Take care of younger children, never leave unattended
5) Do not touch the sides below the handrail
6) Stand facing forward.
For more information and educational programs for kids, adults, employees that work around elevators and escalators please click on programs.
“When elevators, escalators and moving walkways are used properly they are the safest form of transportation on the planet”
“EESF was created by the elevator/escalator industry to develop and disseminate safety materials to the public in order to eliminate preventable accidents on the industry’s equipment.”
Download EESF Logo if you would like to include it in your article.